Hoe om te gaan met SCT Handelsmerk

Force Field of driving and restraining forces to protect the SCT® and the Systems-Centered® trademark

The purpose of this document is to provide clarity around the use of the SCT trademark and theory, methods & protocols

Overall purpose of the trademarks: To ensure that we protect the norms, standards, consistency and quality of practice of SCT.

Using SCT theory, methods & protocols in your work – when and when not

  1. If you are not licensed as an SCT Practitioner:
    You can only represent your self as:

    • participating in an Systems-Centered training
    • studying Systems-Centered Training
    • As a student in Systems-Centered Training.

Foundation level
Goal: learning SCT theory, methods and techniques to reduce restraining forces and to contribute to building a systems-centered group

    • You can use and teach the ‘Functional Subgrouping’ protocol in your own contexts
    • The other SCT protocols are only to be used with yourself. You must not use protocols with others.

Intermediate level (after having completed Intermediate Skills Training)
Advanced level  (after having completed AIG Training)
Goal: developing your ability to apply SCT theory, methods and skills with clients/others.

    • This may include teaching clients to use the protocols with themselves by reviewing the steps.
    • A condition of Intermediate and Advanced level is that you have ongoing consultation with a Licensed SCT practitioner, with the goal of maintaining your functional work role and reducing your restraining forces in your work with your client(s).
  1. If you have a project license:
    Goal: teaching clients to build a Systems-Centered system introducing SCT theory, methods & protocols in context with themselves

    • You can use the SCT methods and protocols as indicated in the project license
  2. If you are a licensed practitioner:
    Goal: to take SCT out into the world.

Handing out SCT protocols as part of a training or coaching or therapy is permitted only if you have a SCT   license or SCT project license:

  • Never indicate that you train SCT if you are not in possession of an SCT  license or SCT project license
  • Protocols can be purchased on the SCTRI website and must clearly state that the protocol is for personal use only and cannot be applied to someone else
  • If you generate income with an SCT training and are handing out SCT protocols as part of this training, then a fee is applicable for the use of the handouts. Further information about this can be found on the SCTRI website.



                                                 Driving –>
<– Restraining
Referring to yourself as a student of SCT Creating the impression, you represent SCT in any context
Using SCT protocols on yourself only


Handing out or distributing SCT protocols in any context
Using SCT protocols with clients only if you are at intermediate training level Using protocols with clients without having done official Skills Training or without being in consultation with a licensed SCT Practitioner
Using and teaching the protocol ‘Functional subgrouping’ in any context Teaching SCT theory and including protocols- in any context
Informing a licensed member when you notice violations of the trademark Calling your work SCT (this implies you have a license)


                                                 Driving –> <– Restraining
Representing SCT in any context
Using the SCT® trademark sign in your communications about SCT (as it expresses you represent SCT) Not using the SCT® trademark sign in your communications about SCT
Teaching or distributing SCT protocols when appropriate (download from website and submit payment as noted there unless working in a pro bono context)
Informing trademark holders of potential violations Ignoring trademark violations

SCT® and Systems-Centered® are registered trademarks of the Systems-Centered Training and Research Institute, Inc., a non-profit organization